Violinist Casey Mink enjoys balancing his love for violin playing and teaching. He performs with the Roanoke Symphony, the Rock Hill Symphony, Deans’ Duets and the Nexus Jazz Ensemble. Casey plays on a Robert Brode violin and a bow by Claude Thomassin.
He was a fellow at the National Orchestra Institute and taught violin and viola to students of all ages with the Renaissance Music Academy of Virginia and Virginia Tech’s Fine Arts Initiative before founding Mink Violin Music Studio in Rock Hill, SC in 2012. Casey holds a master’s degree in music performance from Bowling Green State University. A registered teacher with the Suzuki Association of the Americas in violin units 1-10, he is trained to develop young beginners to advanced violinists. He is the treasurer of the Suzuki Association of South Carolina, and his pedagogy articles have been featured in The American Suzuki Journal.